
The 15 Best Tennis Training Aids for Tennis Coaches & Players

The 15 Best Tennis Training Aids for Tennis Coaches & Players

If you're a tennis player, you know that in order to improve your game, you need to practice. But practicing doesn't have to be boring - in fact, there are a lot of fun (and helpful) tools you can use to improve your skills. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best tennis training tools out there. Stay tuned - we promise that by the end of this post, practicing will be much more enjoyable!

What Are Tennis Training Aids?


Tennis training tools help us adopt new techniques and good habits. I prefer to refer to them as guidance systems because of this.

Our motion and footwork, skill and swinging trajectory, or tactics and strategy may all benefit from training assistance. When paired with tennis coaching, They help us play better, smarter, and injury-free - as decided by tennis instructors over the many years of our sport.

Here are a few ideas for training tools or navigational assistance you might not have considered.

We can use a visual guiding system to help us understand what to do and the proper form to achieve the result. For example, a large target to strike in tennis, such as the service box for a newbie, or the numbered cones, is a simple yet effective training tool for all levels.

Whatever we sense through contact would is known as a kinaesthetic, or sensation, guidance system. Tennis players might use the Start Rite Grip Trainer as an example. You can immediately tell where your grip should be and how it's going to feel to swing with that grip once you place your hand on the racquet.

Why Training Aids are Important in Tennis?


In tennis, there is a guiding principle. Every gamer wants to play more effectively!

The difficulty is that we all reach a plateau at some point, or we start playing tennis matches reaches against higher-level players. Your game as a whole could be problematic, or it could simply be your forehand. This performance level stagnation results from a technical, physical, mental, or combined constraint.

It's worth noting that the optimal way for 98% of all tennis players to learn is in a setting and with resources that delve into both visual and tactile learning styles.

It is also fascinating to notice that tennis coaches and teaching professionals educate roughly 90 percent of their classes using words, which is an auditory way of learning. This type of learning style does not function very well for coaching and instructing sports.

Tennis players can learn the game more quickly with the use of training devices that use kinesthetic (feeling) and visual (seeing) teaching methods.

Now, let's get to the best part.

Best Tennis Training Tools

Best Overall and Most Recommended: Racquet Bag Voyager

If you are traveling to tournaments, then you know home complicated it is to travel with tennis equipment. Introducing the Cancha Racquet Bag Voyager, a fantastic new way to protect and travel with your tennis equipment. While not a traditional definition of a tennis tool, traveling more easily with your tennis rackets, shoes, and more can make your daily or weekly tennis routine that much more fun and enjoyable.

Touring pros helped create this sleek, portable racquet bag, and it's ideal for anyone looking for a distinctive, water-resistant bag that they can personalize to match their daily routine using purpose-built accessories.

Check it out here:

#1 The Functional Tennis Saber: Unlocking Consistency and Victory on the Tennis Court ⚔️


Funtional Tennis Saber

In the quest for tennis excellence, coaches and players are constantly seeking innovative training aids that can elevate their game. Enter "The Saber" – a revolutionary on-court training tool that promises to transform the way you approach tennis practice.

At first glance, The Saber appears as a regular tennis racket, but its distinctive feature lies in its diminutive 37-square-inch head size. This deliberate design forces players to hone their ball tracking skills, optimize footwork, and execute precise, efficient swings to connect with the ball. Crafted from a composite material in world-class factories, The Saber exudes quality and durability. As one coach aptly puts it, "[It's a ] must-have for every coach and serious player". 

How It Is Useful?

The magic of The Saber unfolds in just 10 minutes, seamlessly integrating into your warm-up routine. These brief moments on the court translate into heightened consistency, turning potential losses into triumphant victories. It is a must-have tool for competitive tennis players of all ages, continually seeking ways to enhance their game.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or an aspiring talent, The Saber ensures that you step onto the court with precision and confidence. With The Saber as your trusted ally, every training sessions becomes an opportunity to shine, making it an indispensable addition to your tennis arsenal. 

Check it out here:

#2 The Flex Trainer: Move Better on the Court


"Bend your knees!" is a common instruction given to tennis players by instructors all over the world. The identical command was given over and over and over again. Tennis players are more likely to take this instruction to heart if they use the Flex Trainer.

How It Is Useful?

A training device known as the Flex Trainer is designed to assist individuals to become accustomed to swinging while lowering their knees. Players who wish to get into fantastic form for match play will benefit greatly from the leg workout that this creates.

The Flex Trainer comes equipped with six resistance bands, offering it three different degrees of adjustability so that it may be used by people of varying heights and levels of leg strength. You can also speed up the process of gaining strength by using resistance bands with a higher level of tension.

#2 – Sweet Spot Trainer: Make Better Contact

How is it that professionals can consistently strike the ball so that it is almost absolutely perfect? The answer is hundreds of hours worth of practice, and the Sweet Spot Trainer can aid amateur players as well as those who compete professionally.

How It Is Useful

Tennis players that use the Sweet Spot Trainer are better able to strike the ball in the sweet spot of their racquet.

This is an excellent training aid that can be utilized by coaches and players of any level. If you don't have access to a court, you may still use it to hit against the side of a building or a wall in your own backyard. Its primary function is for practicing on the court. Simply use a foam ball if you want to make use of it in your home.

Because the fabric offers a bit more resistance to wind, using it as a part of your warm-up routine is an excellent way to get your muscles relaxed.


#3 – Start Rite Grip Trainer: Learn the Continental Grip

All successful tennis players share one essentially universal skill: The master of the continental grip The secret to a reliable serve with spin is this basic tennis grip, which also makes volleys much simpler. Yet so many novices have trouble picking up this crucial tennis grip.

How It Is Useful?

The Start Rite Grip Trainer helps players of all levels learn and master the continental grip with minimal effort.

The training aid is simply wrapped around the tennis racquet's grip; the directions specify where. The Grip Trainer should be positioned between the student's pointer and index finger while they hold the racquet. You could also use both of the trainers that are included in the package, (one at the top and one at the bottom), to assist athletes whose grip weakens at the heel of their hands.

#4 – Serve Rite Racquet: Serve Training Aid for Juniors

When youngsters first start playing tennis, the serve is the stroke they have the greatest trouble picking up. This training tool alters that.

How It Is Useful?

The Serve Rite Racquet is a junior racquet that teaches young children the proper grip and serve technique.

Use this modified racquet whenever it's time for the kids to learn serves. The grip is designed to guarantee that youngsters use a continental grip, allowing them to develop the foundational skills of effective serve technique naturally.

Another practice involves using the racquet to create an underspin on the ball as you bounce it up without letting it contact the ground.  Only juniors can use the 23-inch-long racquet, though adults with small hands may still find it useful. Currently, only the right-handed version is offered.


#5 – Backswing Solution: Improve Your Volleys and Return of Serve

In tennis, the return is considered to be one of the most essential shots, so get out there and practice it! Solid volleys are also a crucial quality in today's game because there are so many recreational players who play doubles. When playing either of these strokes, the player's tendency to take the racquet too far back is the error that occurs most frequently.

How It Is Useful?

Players can improve their volleys and returns by employing a shorter backswing with the assistance of this training device. The objective of each stroke is to deflect the ball away from the target with a quick backswing. Additionally, it is an excellent tool for practicing half-volleys.

Simply place the bar in front of the player's chest and then feed them volleys while it is secured over their shoulders. Instruct them to concentrate on their footwork as well as their body control while they are blocking the ball back. They are able to retain their racquet in front of them while doing a short backswing with the assistance of the training device.

Turn the bar around so that it is facing you, and concentrate on your returns. Because they won't be able to use a long backswing, they will have to make use of the speed with which the ball is approaching them.


#6 – Donuts: Improve Your Footwork

The importance of having good footwork is something that is emphasized by tennis teachers all around the world to their students. However, few people actually practice it. These Donut aids make it easier to be ready for every shot by practicing your footwork to move into the appropriate position.

How It Is Useful?

The Fast Feet and the Large Feet Donuts are tennis training aids that function as a guidance system for the footwork of a player. They can assist a player in perfecting the split step as well as other popular footwork patterns used in tennis.

#7 – Numbered Cones: To Train Quick Decision-Making

When determining where to hit the tennis ball during a point, there are several general principles that have a high proportion of accuracy.

When playing from the baseline, you should try to hit the majority of the incoming crosscourt balls back across the court. Another piece of advice is that you should rarely try to redirect a hard-hit ball. The serve is also a shot where cones are extremely useful.

How It Is Useful?

During tennis lessons, drills, or when practicing with a tennis ball machine, the use of numbered cones will allow you to construct objectives for yourself to aim towards. Using this training device, you can practice hitting in a variety of directions and locations, as well as making improvements to your targeting and general arithmetic.

#8 – Topspin Solution: Hit with More Spin

Learning how to hit the tennis ball with spin is widely considered to be among the most essential abilities a player should acquire. On the tennis court, having the ability to use topspin, backspin, and sidespin are all extremely useful weapons. Spin is applied to almost every shot played by top players. The specialized use of topspin enables you to exert more control over the ball and force your opponent further into the court.

How It Is Useful?

The Topspin Solution is designed to teach beginning and intermediate players how to "feel" the correct swing path for producing topspin when they strike the ball.


#9 – Billie Jean King’s Eye Coach: Hit The Sweet Spot Consistently

Tennis is a rhythm sport that also needs a great deal of concentration on your surroundings. Because of this, a common instruction given to tennis players by their coaches is to "watch the ball hit the strings."

The fact of the matter is that you are unable to see the ball actually make contact with the strings. That instant happens far too quickly for the human eye to capture it. On the other hand, your eyes can be trained to focus on the final three feet before the collision.

How It Is Useful?

The Eye Coach instructs players on how to better perceive the ball, which ultimately leads to improved contact. In the end, it will assist you in striking the sweet spot of the string bed with greater consistency.

#10 – Serving Sock: Improve Your Serve’s Power & Spin

In tennis, the serve is considered to be the most significant shot. During a singles match, the serve motion accounts for around forty percent of all swings that are made at the ball.

The more fluid the action of the serve, the greater the racquet speed, which in turn results in more spin and power. Relaxation is one of the secrets to a stronger serve because of this relationship.

How It Is Useful?

Training your serving motion to be smooth, fluid, and calm is made easier with the help of the Serving Sock. This training device is going to uncover any kinks or flaws in the motion that you use to serve the ball.

After using this tool, your serve will have more power and spin as a result of your efforts.


#11 – Angle Doctor: Don’t Chop Down on Volleys

Chopping down on volleys and, as a result, smashing an excessive number of volleys into the net is one of the most difficult tasks that players of all skill levels must overcome. For decades, this pattern of errors has been a source of frustration for recreational tennis players.

How It Is Useful?

The Angle Doctor guides tennis players through the proper racquet position for volleys and slice backhands. The use of this training equipment will help players improve their ability to hit through the ball as they attempt to correctly punch their volleys.

#12 - Tennis Trainer Rebound Ball

The portable tennis training equipment features a groove on the top in the shape of a semicircle where tennis balls can be stored while the equipment is not being used.

The central portion is constructed with an annular groove in which the elastic thread can be placed. This not only helps to alleviate the problems of tangling and knotting but also makes the component more amenable to storage.

If you aren't able to frequent the tennis court as much as you'd like, then one of these tennis training aids is perfect for you. Just make sure you aren't near any windows!


#13 - The Total Serve ServeMaster

ServeMaster can be utilized for the purpose of training not only serves but also ground strokes, overheads, and other types of swings. In addition to this, it works wonderfully for movement drills, dynamic warm-ups, stretching and strength exercises, throw arm mobility, and maintaining a consistent tempo.

#14 - JUSTMYSPORT Professional Tennis Swing Trainer

You will get an actual workout from using this tennis trainer, almost the same kind of exercise you would get from playing tennis on a real court. You also have the option to train by yourself, without a partner. Last but not least, there is no need to save your strength by picking up balls because you do not need to.

#15 - GRIPFIXER Tennis Grip Trainer (Pickleball/Racquetball)

Learning the appropriate grips from the beginning will provide you with the best possible basis for your future tennis play. Do not squander your time learning it incorrectly and develop poor habits that will actually slow down your progress in learning it. GripFixer ensures that the proper grip is used.

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The Best Tennis Balls of 2022 (For All Courts)
The Best Junior Tennis Backpacks in 2023




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